An interim CEO is ideally an experienced nonprofit executive director.  For an IE, the executive role is like riding a bike.  They have done it before, they know the nuanced relationship required between the executive, the board and staff. They bring excellent management skills and knowledge of best practices.  Capable interims have the ability to perform a strategic assessment of the organization – its strengths and the areas that need to be shored up for optimal operations.  They can easily receive and synthesize information, adapt to the natural rhythms of the organization and swiftly build trust with both the staff and board.  The interim brings a calm, capable presence which reassures everyone that they will make it through to the other side.

Interims should be well versed in executive level finance, fundraising, personnel and board relations.  They do not typically have specialized knowledge or backgrounds related to the mission and work of the organization; for that, they depend on the programmatic expertise of permanent staff.  In the case of a legal organization, for example, they may rely on a legal services director or lead attorneys in a given practice area.  While they may not be able to weigh in on legal strategy or specific cases, they can easily coach legal staff on supervision or management issues.  In my experience, a person less steeped in the programmatic work can also sometimes offer “out of the box” questions or insights that lend depth and creativity to problem solving or planning.

Interims are NOT contenders for the permanent job.  That needs to be clear from the beginning, and the board needs to hold to the agreement.  I have been asked multiple times after I have been at the organization a while if I am interested in the full time position and my answer is “no”.  The value of an IE is reduced if everyone is not clear in this regard.  Because an interim is not “trying out” for the job, she can offer objective assessment and recommendations.  Professional interims choose their role, and are generally not looking for a permanent position.

If your nonprofit organization needs an interim executive director, please get in touch with Interim Executive Network today.

Author Barbara Laur is an experienced interim executive and a founding member of the IENetwork.